Mongolia Mining international mining exhibition will be held for the 14th time this year. Mongolia Mining is the largest and most significant event in the Mongolian mining sector. Since its inception in 2011, the event has been growing annually, becoming the premier platform for introducing advanced technologies, establishing business partnerships, and sharing information on developments in the mining industry in Mongolia. The exhibition serves as a platform for collaboration and cooperation between the mining sector and various related industries in Mongolia.
Жил бүр Mongolia Mining үзэсгэлэн гадаад, дотоодын уул уурхайн салбарын томоохон байгууллагууд, хайгуулын компаниуд, үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчид, тоног төхөөрөмж нийлүүлэгчид, зөвлөх компаниуд, санхүүгийн байгууллагууд болон уул уурхайн салбарт хамааралтай олон төрлийн бизнесүүдээс бүрдсэн 200-250 орчим оролцогчдыг хүлээн авдаг. Энэхүү арга хэмжээ нь бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээний цогц үзэсгэлэн болж, бизнесийн сурталчилгаа, сүлжээ тогтоох, мэдлэг солилцох идэвхтэй орчныг бүрдүүлдэг.
Deputy Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry
Director of Operations,
Transwest Mongolia LLC
Join us for this remarkable event as we bring together visionaries, industry leaders, and experts from around the world to explore the latest innovations and sustainable growth opportunities in the mining sector.
Save the date and be part of this exciting event. Mongolia Mining 2023 is your gateway to innovation, sustainability, and progress in the mining sector.
Stay tuned for updates and registration details. Together, we will forge a prosperous and sustainable future for Mongolia’s mining industry.”
Mongolia Mining Expo нь олон нийтийн зочид болон уул уурхайн салбартай холбоотой зочдод нээлттэй.
Mongolia Mining Expo is the premier place to showcase your products and solutions in the mining industry in Mongolia.
Director of Operations at Transwest Mongolia LLC
Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources
Ambassador of Australia to Mongolia
Ph.D, Professor, President of Council of Mining Professional Associations (CMPA)
Senior Business Development Manager at Xcalibur Smart Mapping
Vice President of the Mongolian Waste Recycling Association
Explosive Engineer, “REDPATH MONGOLIA” LLC
Soyolon Engineering LLC
Area Business Manager - Cyanide & Indirect (Asia) at Orica
Certified Engineer of Mongolia, DDAG LLC
Managing Director - Principal Consultant Managing Director - Principal Consultant Cartledge Mining and Geotechnics
The Mongolia Mining 2023 schedule promises an exciting lineup of events, including informative sessions, technology showcases, and valuable networking opportunities. Don’t miss out on this chance to dive into the heart of the mining industry’s latest developments and trends.
13 : 30 – 13 : 50
Erdenes Mongol LLC – Strategy on improving productivity of state-owned enterprises
14 : 10 – 14 : 30
Open-pit mining machineries by Komatsu Brand – Mr. Myagmarjav Bat-Ochir, Sales Representative of Transwest Mongolia LLC
14 : 30 – 14 : 50
Company presentation by Mr. Victor Yee, Business Development Manager of Total Brand, Mines Up LLC
14 : 50 – 15 : 10
Milwaukee Tool – Mr. Jocson Co, General Manager, Commercial Operations, Milwaukee Asia and General Manager of Milwaukee China
11 : 30 – 12 : 00
Oyu Tolgoi LLC: Procurement policies and plans
12 : 00 – 12 : 30
Investment and procurement police and implementation – Mrs. L.Enkhtuvshin, Head of Research and Electronic Systems of the Department of Investment and Procurement Policy of the Erdenet Mining Corporation
12 : 30 – 13 : 00
Global innovation in Mongolia (Relo, the best innovation of the 21st century) –
Mrs. B. Battsengel, Executive Director of Relo Mongolia LLC
15 : 00 – 15 : 20
Overview of Australian Mining equipment, technologies and services –
Mr. Ron Green, Trade Commissioner, Austrade, Australian Embassy in Seoul
15 : 20 – 15 : 40
Company presentation by AusProof Pty – Mr. Craig Feil, Sales Manager for QLD and Gary Hansen Sales manager for WA
15 : 40 – 16 : 00
Company presentation by 3D Data Guidance Pty – Mr. Cameron Voss, Design Technician and Sales Manager
16 : 00 – 16 : 20
Company presentation by Maptek Pty – Mr. Simon Johnston, APAC Sales and Technical Services manager
16 : 20 – 16 : 40
ESGs A Pathway to sustainable and Greener Extractives Sector – Mrs. Rena Guendez, Team Leader of Australia Mongolia Extractives Program by Australian Government
11 : 00 – 13 : 00
Technology presentations
13 : 00 – 15 : 00
Open stage to major machinery and technology suppliers
19 : 00 – 22 : 00
Awards ceremony and reception dinner /by the invitation/ Venue: Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar Hotel Ballroom
Except for the above planned events, the main stage of the expo hall will be stage presentations of sponsors and exhibitors and host contract signing ceremonies of major deals established during the expo.
International Mining Expo Sponsors & Supporters
APRIL 17-19 2025 – Buyant Ukhaa Sports Palace
Buyant Ukhaa Sports Palace was put into operation on December 2, 2010. It is the “largest” indoor sports hall in Mongolia with 5,045 seats and 2,000 parking spaces.
Let’s Connect